The Northern Ireland Pool Association (NIPA) is committed to ensuring fair treatment and equality for all its members. This procedure outlines the process for raising grievances or complaints and the steps for handling disciplinary actions.

2. Purpose

This procedure aims to:

  • Provide a clear process for members to raise grievances or complaints.

  • Ensure complaints are handled fairly, consistently, and promptly. - Outline the disciplinary process for addressing misconduct.

  1. Scope

This procedure applies to all members, players, officials, and volunteers involved with the NIPA.

  1. Definitions

  • Grievance/Complaint: A concern or issue raised by a member regarding conduct, rules, or any aspect of association activities.

  • Disciplinary Action: Measures taken in response to breaches of the association's rules or code of conduct

  1. Grievance/Complaints Procedure

5.1. Informal Resolution

1. Initial Discussion: Members are encouraged to address their concerns directly with the involved party, if appropriate.

2. Mediation: If direct resolution is not possible, members can seek mediation with the help of a committee member.

5.2. Formal Grievance(Complaint

1. Submission : A formal grievance/complaint should be submitted in writing to the NIPA

Secretary. The submission must include:

  • The nature of the grievance/complaint.

  • Relevant details and evidence. - Desired outcome.

  1. Acknowledgment: The Secretary will acknowledge receipt of the grievance/complaint within 7 days.

  2. Investigation: The NIPA Committee will:

  • Assign an investigator or a sub-committee.

  • Gather relevant information and evidence.

  • Conduct interviews with the involved parties.

4. Resolution Meeting: A meeting will be arranged with the complainant to discuss findings and possible resolutions.

5.0utcome: The decision will be communicated in writing within 21 days of the meeting.

Possible outcomes include:

  • Dismissal of the grievance/complaint.

  • Recommendations for resolution.

  • Referral to the disciplinary procedure if misconduct is found.

6. Appeal: If the complainant is unsatisfied, they may appeal to the NIPA President within 14 days of receiving the outcome. The President's decision will be final.

  1. Disciplinary Procedure

6.1. Grounds for Disciplinary Action

Disciplinary action may be taken for reasons including, but not limited to:

  • Violations of the NIPA Code of Conduct.

  • Unsportsmanlike behaviour.

  • Breach of association rules or regulations.

2. Initial Steps

  1. Incident Report: An incident report must be submitted to the NIPA Secretary detailing the alleged misconduct.

  2. Preliminary Review: The NIPA Committee will conduct a preliminary review to determine if a formal disciplinary hearing is warranted.

6.3. Disciplinary Hearing

  1. Notification: The member will be notified in writing of the hearing details, charges, and evidence at least 14 days before the hearing.

  2. Hearing Panel: A panel, consisting of at least three committee members, will conduct the hearing.

  3. Hearing Process:

  • Presentation of charges and evidence.

  • Member's opportunity to respond.

  • Witnesses may be called by both parties.

  1. Deliberation and Decision: The panel will deliberate in private and make a decision based on the evidence presented.

  2. Outcome Notification: The member will be informed of the panel's decision and any disciplinary actions in writing within 7 days of the hearing.

6.4. Disciplinary Actions

Possible disciplinary actions include:

  • Formal warning.

  • Suspension from activities.

  • Expulsion from the association.

  • Other actions deemed appropriate by the panel.

6.5. Appeal

The member may appeal the decision to the NIPA President within 14 days of receiving the outcome. The Chairpersons decision on the appeal will be final.

  1. Confidentiality

All proceedings and records related to grievances, complaints, and disciplinary actions will be treated as confidential and disclosed only to those involved in the process.

  1. Review

This procedure will be reviewed annually to ensure it remains effective and up to date with current regulations and best practices.