The NIPA AGM was held on Saturday 27th June in McConnells of Doagh.
Welcome on board The Executive Committee to Rab Brown from Glengormley and Ady Toner from Coleraine who both take up posts of Vice Chairperson. NIPA stalwart Trevor Harte has stood down from Committee life and we thoroughly thank him for his huge input over the past years. The full Committee now is as follows -
Chairperson - Pauline Lynch
Vice Chairperson - Rab Brown
Vice Chairperson - Ady Toner
Secretary - Robert Hawkins
Treasurer - Jean McIlroy
Some other points of interest -
Individual Membership scheme has been renamed Associate Membership but will run by the calendar year 1st January to 31st December instead of from the 1st September to 31st August.
Voting rights - Each member of thye Executive Committee shall have one vote as will each affiliated League. Each playing section (Mens, Seniors, Masters, Ladies, Under 18s, Under 23s, Under 15s and Specials) will also have one vote each.
League affiliation fees have been reduced from £150 to £75 for the coming 2015/2016 season. Any new League joining the NIPA will get their second years affiliation fees free of charge.
It was unanimously agreed that the NIPA would affiliate to the EBA for the 2016/2017 season.