The N.Ireland Mens 'A' Team played a pre World Championship warm up match against a Larne

N.Ireland Mens 'A' 15-10 Larne Select
Session scores
2-3 4-1 4-1 2-3 3-2
Top photo - NI Mens 'A' team
Ricky Clyde, Ryan Foster, Dean McDonagh, Pat McAnally, Thomas Morrow
Bottom photo - Larne Select
Kenny English, Barney Hylands, Raymond Stockman, Michael Kane, Neil Campbell
Top scorer for our Mens 'A' Team was Ricky Clyde with 5/5, and for the Select Team Kenny English and Raymond Stockman both scored 3/5
The five players pictured will head off to the 2016 Blackball International World Championship on Monday 10th October along with team mate Ronan Fay who is presently working in England