Declan fills a gap

One of the gaps has been filled in our Northern Ireland Mens Individual Champions search thanks to Declan Birt who uncovered the newspaper cutting from the Ballymena Times confirming he won the coveted title in 1997.

Northern Ireland Mens Individual Champion 
2017 - Pat McAnally
2016 - Tommy Morrow
2015 - Ronan McCarthy
2014 - Ronan McCarthy
2013 - Ronan McCarthy
2012 - Ronan McCarthy
2011 - Ronan McCarthy
2010 - Neil McKelvey
2009 - Rab Fee
2008 - Not played
2007 - Not played
2006 - Brian Crilly
2005 - ?
2004 - Danny Kinney
2003 - ?
2002 - Sam Newell
2001 - Rab Fee
2000 - ?
1999 - ?
1998 - Sam Newell
1997 - Declan Birt
1996 - ?
1995 - ?
1995 - ?
1994 - ?
1993 - Frankie Brammeld
1992 - Michael McQuillan
1991 - Paul Doran
1990 - Ronan McCarthy
1989 - Danny Kinney
1988 - Ronan McCarthy
1987 - Ronan McCarthy
1986 - Stephen Audley
1985 - John Columb
1984 - Trevor White
1983 - Trevor White
1982 - ?
1981 - ?
1980 - Tommy Murphy
1979 - Cliff Wilson
1978 - Norio Cofolla
1977 - Norio Cofolla