When - Saturday 6th February 2010

Where - Ballymena United FCSC
Tables - 8 Baizecraft Competition Tables
Who - Anyone 40 or over on day of Competition can enter (Please bring proof of age)
Time - Registration 12 noon, 12.30pm start
Cost - £10 if NIPA affiliated, £15 if not
Prize Money - Breakdown confirmed when entries finalised
Dress Code - NIPA Competition dress code
Entries - Pay on the day
Format - Knockout
When - Sunday 7th February 2010
Where - Ballymena United FCSC

Tables - 8 Baizecraft Competition Tables
Who - Open to anyone
Time - Registration 12 noon, 12.30pm start
Cost - £15 per team if NIPA affiliated, £20 if not
Prize Money - Breakdown confirmed when entries finalised
Dress Code - NIPA Competition dress code
Entries - Pay on the day
Format - Knockout