Tosh and Caulfield "two" good

The new 2011 Northern Ireland Doubles Champions are Davy Tosh and Lee Caulfield from Coleraine. The pair were in unstoppable form all day and went on to beat fellow Coleraine pair Lee Hull and Billy Moore 5-1 in a classy display of Blackball. There were some great matches on the day with a strong field all vying for the top prize.

How it happened
Frame 1 - Tactical, as both sides try to gain an early lead. But Tosh/Caulfield edge it.
Frame 2 - Tosh with an 8 ball clearance makes it 2-0.
Frame 3 - Lee Hull with a similar clearance brings it back to 2-1.
Frame 4 - A pivotal frame in the match, as Tosh takes advantage of a missed finish to put his partner and himself into a 3-1 lead.
Frame 5 - This time Caulfield finishes clinically to leave his opponent with 7 balls. 4-1.
Frame 6 - It's all over at 5-1 as Caulfield finishes impressively to leave Hull and Moore with 7 colours on the table again

Pictured above, the NIPA's Pauline Lynch presents Davy Tosh (left) and Lee Caulfield with their winners trophies and £220 prize money.

Pictured right, Runners Up, Lee Hull (left) and Billy Moore receive their trophies and £110 prize money.

Beaten Semi Finalists teams of Dee Irwin/Paul Roberts and Terry McDowell/Colin Moore each received £55.

1st Round
Quarter Finals
P.Henderson/R.Henderson 3-2 K.English/R.Hawkins
C.Moore/T.McDowell 4-1 R.Foster/G.Clarke
R.Foster/G.Clarke 3-1 C.Mulholland/A.McCaw
L.Hull/B.Moore 4-1 D.Magill/J.McAllister
C.Moore/T.McDowell 3-1 K.Hunter/P.Leddy
D.Tosh/L.Caulfield  4-1 D.Whiteside/T.Whiteside
A.Toner/M.Hutchinson 3-1 M.Davidson/R.Christie
D.Irwin/P.Roberts 4-2 J.McGarrell/D.Duff
L.Hull/B.Moore 3-1 A.McMeekin/R.Brown

W.Lewis/S.Magowan 3-1 S.Mitchell/J.Mackey

T.Morrow/G.Johnston 3-1 C.Montgomery/A.Gordon

D.Magill/J.McAllister 3-2 C.Sweeney/A.Watt

J.Moore/A.Parke 3-1 J.Thompson/A.Abram

2nd Round
Semi Finals
R.Foster/G.Clarke 3-2 P.Henderson/R.Henderson
L.Hull/B.Moore 5-4 C.Moore/T.McDowell
C.Moore/T.McDowell 3-1 A.Toner/M.Hutchinson
D.Tosh/L.Caulfield 5-3 D.Irwin/P.Roberts
L.Hull/B.Moore 3-1 W.Lewis/S.Magowan

D.Magill/J.McAllister 3-2 T.Morrow/G.Johnston

D.Tosh/L.Caulfield 3-1 J.Moore/A.Parke

D.Whiteside/T.Whiteside 3-2 L.Wright/R.Campbell

D.Irwin/P.Roberts 3-0 D.Watt/A.Tosh
J.McGarrell/D.Duff 3-1 T.McCorry/S.Johnston
D.Tosh/L.Caulfield 5-1 L.Hull/B.Moore