The 2014 Norio Cafolla Charity Cup
Ards & District Vice Chairman Hugh Regan is inviting teams to participate in the annual Norio Cafolla Cup. It is an open 5 a side Charity competition to be played in the Primacy Sports Bar, Bangor on Saturday 14th June in memory of past League Chairman Norio Cafolla. The event starts at 12 noon and entry per team is £50. As well as the 5 a side event, there will be a "Speed Pool" and "Total Balls Potted" Competition. The Primacy will have 6 Supreme tables for the main event and 1 for the other Competitions.
50% of the total money collected fees will be paid out in prize money and 50% donated to the winners nominated charity.
Donations to the Prize Fund & Charity Fund so far are -
£300 from Bangor Cabs
£100 from The Primacy Sports Bar, Bangor
£100 from Ards & District Pool Association
£100 from North Down & Ards Pool Association
Previous charities supported include - Home Start, Cedar Foundation, Clic Sargent & Northern Ireland Special Pool
Everyone welcome. To enter, please ring Hugh on 07775 575322. Teams will still be able to register on the day.