Northern Ireland Seniors Individual Championships


We are now taking names for the 2011 Northern Ireland Seniors Individual Championship which will take place on 5th February 2011 in Ballymena United Social Club. Pictured right is our current Champion, Sam Newell from Bangor. To register please ring Robert Hawkins on 07970 450050 or email

Entry fee is £15 affiliated or £20 non affiliated. Registration closes at 12noon with a roll call at 12.15pm. Competition open to anyone who is 40 or over on date of Competition. Limited spaces.

Raymond Stockman Bill McIlroy
Robert Hawkins Jean McIlroy
Kenny English Davy Drysdale
Dessie Cooper Terence Arthurs
Susan Graham David Wright
Elise Richardson Ivan Christie
Debbie Murphy Alec Irvine
Davy McGurn Mark Stockton
Stephen Johnston Kenny Geddis
Michael Wilson Clem Howard
Hugh Regan Gary Neeson
Stewart Frew Stephen Cully
Mark Marsh Terry Bell
Ian Wylie Chris Maule
Hugh McMurtry Cliff Wilson
Robert Bowman
Daren McColgan
Kieran O'Prey
Stephen McWhirter
Ellis Martin                  Rab Brown
Alan Johnston              Robert Henderson
Darren Sterrett             Andy Arbuthnot